Director General Quaid-e-Azam Academy for Educational Development Punjab inaugurated the new atrium exclusively for the QAED officers. This state-of-the-art facility has been carefully designed to provide a comfortable and inspiring environment for our dedicated QAED team. Within this modern space, QAED staff will find various areas designed for relaxation, networking, and informal meetings. Comfortable seating arrangements, vibrant greenery, and natural lighting create an inviting atmosphere where employees can unwind during breaks or engage in casual conversations with their colleagues.
QAED intends to demeanor 2nd TEACHER EDUCATION RESEARCH CONFERENCE (TERC) on Transforming Teaching for 21st Century Learners. This aims to foster rese... Read
QAED punjab successfully launched special edition of newsletter on TERC-2024 on 20.03.2024. DG QAED Tajammal Abbas Rana appreciate the combined effort... Read
Minister of Education Rana Sikandar Hayat convened a meeting in Quaid-e-Azam Academy for Educational Development, Punjab with CEOs, DEOs and Deputy D... Read