The Quaid-e-Azam Academy for Educational Development (QAED) is a training institution which carters to the training needs of the work force of the Punjab Government School Education Department. QAED endeavour to attain its goal through competent and dedicated in-house faculty and experts from reputable national and international organizations. We invite experienced/eminent Resource Persons to share their expert knowledge with the participants of our various training programs.
QAED has a mechanism for the selection of Resource Persons. Notified committee comprising of four members receives CVs and invites experts from public and private organizations for interview. Relevant and eligible persons are added into the pool of Resource Persons and are invited to conduct sessions when required.
The Resource Persons are the stake-holders of QAED and we hold them in high esteem. The success of a training program is largely dependent on the quality, commitment and training skills of a resource person. He/she is supposed to know different teaching/ training techniques and should be able to hold the attention of the audience.