The Quaid-e-Azam Academy for Educational Development (QAED) as an apex organization is committed to develop the pedagogical skills and knowledge through a continuous process of professional development of teachers in Punjab.
Providing high quality training, follow-up and support to teachers, among other things, requires good trainers and master trainers. In its initial phase of CPD implementation, QAED is involved in the training of trainers and master trainers, which is being undertaken in partnership and close collaboration with carefully selected external service providers with proven expertise in the field of teacher development and other concerned areas.
Quality is central to the work QAED, including training events. For a number of reasons the c-redibility and belief in the quality of training is extremely important for teachers, teacher educators, administrators, the public at large and the professional community itself. The quality will be assured through systematic evaluation of different aspects of the training.
Proper quality assurance will allow the QAED to demonstrate that the training has positive, tangible results. QAED as a learning organization as well as will benefit from the information that the quality assurance mechanisms generate. The key principle of quality assurance is that the main actors who are involved in the design and delivery of an activity are accountable for good performance.
Organizing a training course has many costs in term of the resource involved in the preparation and delivery, travel and accommodation a for participants and staff time away from the workplace. To justify these costs, QAED management needs to ensure that training has made a difference in the performance of trainees. It needs to be ensured that the participants have not only gained new knowledge, skills and attitudes from the training but also are able to do and put into practice the newly acquired competencies back on the job.
Quality Assurance wing at QAED is working to improve the standards of quality learning through various mechanisms and Standard Operating Procedure (SOPs). These mechanisms and standards are applied in overall training activities of the QAED to ensure better quality. It may, however, be noted that QA wing of QAED has to work within the given policy framework of the Government or the Programme Director, as the case may be. As far as Monitoring and Evaluation is concerned, the QA wing constantly recommendations for improvement.